Class TagParser


public class TagParser
extends Object
This class takes some input as stream or string and returns defined text parts defined by user defined patterns.


     String[][] patterns={{"t","t"},{"hier "," mit"}};
     TagParser tp=new TagParser(patterns, true);
     tp.setSource("Ein Testtext. und hier noch mit zweitem pattern.");
     while (tp.hasMoreTags()) System.out.println(tp.nextTag());
This example should return:
 hier noch mit
 tem pat

Another example analyzing a html file:

     String[][] patterns={{"",""}};
     TagParser tp=new TagParser(patterns,false);
     tp.setSource("Hello User!");
     tp.hasMoreTags(); System.out.println(tp.nextTag());
will return "<b>User</b>".

Quellcode mit GPL-Lizenz.

Variable Index

 o ignore_case
if true, at comparing the patterns case must be ignored

Constructor Index

 o TagParser()
Creates a new TagParser with no patterns.
 o TagParser(String[][])
Creates a new TagParser with the given tag patterns and no case ignore.
 o TagParser(String[][], boolean)
Creates a new TagParser with the given tag patterns and no case ignore.

Method Index

 o compare(char, char)
compares the two characters
 o extractTagAttribute(String, String)
Extracts the specified attribute from the given tag text.
 o getInputPosition()
Gets the number of characters read till now.
 o getTag()
 o getTagIndex()
Gets the index of the founded tag returned by nexttag().
 o hasMoreTags()
Checks if there are more tags contained in input.
 o nextTag()
Gets the tag found by the last call of hasMoreTags().
 o setPattern(String[][])
sets the tag patterns to the given pairs, without ignoring cases.
 o setPattern(String[][], boolean)
sets the tag patterns to the given pairs.
 o setSource(InputStream)
Sets the data source to be used for input.
 o setSource(Reader)
Sets the data source to be used for input.
 o setSource(String)
Sets the data source to be used for input.


 o ignore_case
 protected boolean ignore_case
if true, at comparing the patterns case must be ignored


 o TagParser
 public TagParser()
Creates a new TagParser with no patterns.

See Also:
 o TagParser
 public TagParser(String pts[][])
Creates a new TagParser with the given tag patterns and no case ignore.

pts - an array of all tags, each given as array of length 2 with start and end pattern
See Also:
 o TagParser
 public TagParser(String pts[][],
                  boolean ignore_case)
Creates a new TagParser with the given tag patterns and no case ignore.

pts - an array of all tags, each given as array of length 2 with start and end pattern
ignore_case - if true, cases will be ignored at pattern matching
See Also:


 o setSource
 public void setSource(InputStream is)
Sets the data source to be used for input.

is - an InputStream to read characters from using a InputStreamReader
 o setSource
 public void setSource(String s)
Sets the data source to be used for input.

s - a String to read characters from using a StringReader
 o setSource
 public final void setSource(Reader r)
Sets the data source to be used for input.

 o setPattern
 public final void setPattern(String pts[][])
sets the tag patterns to the given pairs, without ignoring cases.

pts - an array of all tags, each given as array of length 2 with start and end pattern
 o setPattern
 public final void setPattern(String pts[][],
                              boolean ignore_case)
sets the tag patterns to the given pairs.

pts - an array of all tags, each given as array of length 2 with start and end pattern
ignore_case - if true, cases will be ignored at pattern matching
 o compare
 protected boolean compare(char a,
                           char b)
compares the two characters

 o hasMoreTags
 public final boolean hasMoreTags() throws IOException
Checks if there are more tags contained in input. Only complete tags delimited by start and pattern as defined are recognized. Note: This methods performs the input evaluation!

true if there are more tags
 o nextTag
 public final String nextTag()
Gets the tag found by the last call of hasMoreTags(). If you use hasMoreTags() properly, you should never get null.

the tag delimited by start and end pattern, or null if no tag present
 o getTag
 public final String getTag()
 o getInputPosition
 public final long getInputPosition()
Gets the number of characters read till now.

 o getTagIndex
 public final int getTagIndex()
Gets the index of the founded tag returned by nexttag().

 o extractTagAttribute
 public static String extractTagAttribute(String tag,
                                          String attribute)
Extracts the specified attribute from the given tag text. Note: This is a supporting function that could be useful, but not necessary for fcuntion of TagParser.